What is an if statement:-. Genius student

  • This will check a condition and if it is true execute the following code.
  • If you have single line code then no need of curly braces {}.
if(condition) {
    //block of code to be executed if the condition  is true. 

Condition are checked by the following operators ==,>,<,<=,>=,!=
3>4 => false
10<8 => false
3==3 => true
4!=4 => false
3<=4 => true


<!DOCTYPE html>

 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">



 <input type="button" onclick="chek();" value="check if">

  function chek()
   if (5 > 3) //This condition is true so if part execute
    alert("This is alert box");



What is an if statement:-. Genius student What is an if statement:-. Genius student Reviewed by Network security on October 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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